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Digital banking platform.

1. Matej Pfajfar, Chief Technology Officer
$187M · Series E Thrive Capital, Hongshan Fund, CapitalG 1001to 5000 Fintech, Payments b2c, saas London, UK 🔒 Locked

Tyre pyrolysis recycling technology developer.

$81M · Series C A.P. Moller Holding, Novo A/S 51 to 100 Climate Tech & Green Tech b2b London, UK 🔒 Locked

End-to-end financial product management platform.

1. Teo Blidarus, CEO
$60M · Series B Gapminder VC, Earlybird Venture Capital, Molten Ventures 251 to 500 Fintech b2b, saas London, UK 🔒 Locked

SME credit financing platform.

1. Christoph Rieche, CEO & Co-founder
$290M · Debt Financing Pollen Street Capital, NIBC Bank N.V., Shawbrook Bank 101 to 250 Payments, Fintech b2b London, UK 🔒 Locked

Retail end-to-end order fulfilment and visibility management platform.

$72M · Series C Summit Partners 51 to 100 CRM b2b, saas Paris, France 🔒 Locked

Provider of electric vehicle fleet and battery storage services.

1. Steven Meersman, Founding Director
$522M · Debt Financing CIBC, New Zealand Green Investment Finance, JKH Capital 101 to 250 Energy & Nuclear, Mobility & Transportation b2b London, UK 🔒 Locked

AI model development platform.

$220M · Seed Accel, Bpifrance, Creandum 1 to 10 AI, Developer Tools b2b, saas Paris, France 🔒 Locked
Pheon Therapeutics

Antibody-Drug Conjugate specialist creating treatments for tough-to-treat cancers.

1. Cyrus Mozayeni, President & CEO
$120M · Series B TCG Crossover, Atlas Ventures, Brandon Capital 11 to 50 Biotech, Health Tech, Deep Tech, Pharma b2b London, UK 🔒 Locked

Carbon accounting platform.

1. Matthieu Vegreville, Co-founder and CTO
$52M · Series B Fidelity International Strategic Ventures, Benhamou Global Ventures, Move Capital 101 to 250 Climate Tech & Green Tech b2b, saas Paris, France 🔒 Locked

Plug and play quality assurance platform for finance teams.

1. Alban Clot, CEO
2. Cyrille de Gastines, Managing director
$22M · Series B Orange Ventures, Wille Finance, La Maison Partners 11 to 50 Fintech b2b, saas Paris, France 🔒 Locked